back a winner 

at Kempton 

HOWL back a winner at Kempton

On Saturday 2nd December with the temperatures barely above freezing, West London made an impromptu outing to the London Classic Bike Show/Autojumble at Kempton Park.

Given the chilly weather, the event was extremely busy. Jude had a chat with the Henry Cole. Later on she bumped into Sammy Miller who although keeping a lower profile was buzzing around as active as ever. 

Steve Cribbin (in the foreground) engaged Allen Millyard and Guy’ Skid’ Willison – the latter taking on board Steve’s reminder of our three classic shows later in the year. 

Some of the bikes were taken outside to be fired up in front of an enthusiastic crowd,

note - slight lack of front brakes...

My ears took some time to recover from the noise of these bikes 

We were pleased for Andrew Langdon of Team Flying Duck, when he won a highly commended for his supercharged/nitrous oxide assisted VFR750.

Andrew joined the HOC in Spring of 2023 

...adopt the position...

 He later obliged the enthusiastic crowd with a mini burnout on the first and possibly the only supercharged/nitrous oxide assisted VFR750 

We are hoping Andrew will write a feature about 

'Team Flying Duck Theory #173' 

and their involvement in the National Sprint Association to be featured here on our website soon...